What is Botox?
Botox is a brand name for Botulinum Toxin Type A, a purified natural protein chemically derived from bacteria that can be injected into a muscle to cause temporary muscular relaxation. It can be used to treat the appearance of frown lines, worry lines and laughter lines, for example, all of which are caused by the repeated contractions of the facial muscles. Botox typically reduces the appearance of wrinkles by about 80%, leading to a more youthful, fresh appearance. Botulinum Toxin Type A has been used for cosmetic purposes in the treatment of wrinkles since the 90s and it is currently the most popular treatment available. In fact, Botox injections in the UK are becoming increasingly popular because they offer a non-surgical, less invasive and cheaper alternative to cosmetic surgery. The treatment is convenient to administer, widely tolerated by the majority of patients and offers a high level of customer satisfaction.
Our doctors are fully accredited, advanced practitioners with years of experience in using Botox injections to provide stunning results. At Bellissima we are completely focused on you as an individual and will always strive to give you a natural-looking end result that exceeds your expectations and makes you feel confident about your appearance.
Is it a safe drug?
Like all other prescription medicines, if used with precision and accuracy by specially trained and experienced professionals, Botulimun Toxin is a very safe drug, with minimal side-effects and complications.
How does it work?
Botox works by binding to the junction between the nerve and the muscle locally (at the precise point where it is injected) to stop the signal being transmitted, therefore preventing the contraction of those individual muscle fibres. This effect is reversible; in time, these junctions revover their normal function and the toxin is broken down by the body and removed.
Does Botox work immediately?
No, Botox takes between 3 and 14 days to take full effect.
How long does Botox last?
This varies significantly between individuals. On average, it lasts approximately four months.
How often can I have my Botox treatments repeated?
It is wise to wait until the previous dose has worn off before receiving another treatment. We generally advise a minimum of three months between repeat treatments.
I want a natural look, and I am scared of looking expressionless and frozen. How can this be achieved?
At Bellissima, we always strive to obtain the natural look. With Botox, a standard dose to the individual muscles is administerd. After two weeks, we offer a complimentary follow-up and free top-up for most Botox treatments. This is to ensure that patients are not over-treated and the risk of side effects is minimised.
What does the treatment involve?
An intergral part of the treatment is the consultation. Together with your doctor, you will discuss the problem areas, the possible treatments and any concern will be addressed. We will the require you to sign a consent form and to take pre-treatment photos. The doctor will then apply numbing cream to the area. At this stage, he will mark the sites to be injected and, after cleaning the area, the treatment will be administered in the form of fine injections using very fine needles. Anti-bruising cream is then applied to the treated areas.
I am needle-phobic, how painful is the procedure?
We understand the many of our patients may be apprehensive about being on the receiving end of a needle, so we will reassure you that this is a relatively painless procedure with minimal side-effects, we do apply numbing cream to the area to be treated beforehand.
What are the possible side-effects?
It is common to have small raised bumps of skin at the injection site; these may be slightly red and will go down about 20 minutes after the treatment (please feel free to wait in our waiting room enjoying a cup of tea until these go down). Bruising at the injection site may occasionally occur; this will resolve quickly. It is quite common to experience a mild headache after Botox injections to the face. This can be easily treated with over-the-counter painkillers.
Are there any long-term complications?
As the effects of Botox are not permanent, most complications will last as long as it takes for the effects of Botox to wear off.
What are the long-term complications?
These are very rare and depend on the injection site involved. Complications can include migration of the product to surrounding muscles causing weakness in areas where muscle movement is still required. Your doctor will talk you through the side effects and potential complications and address any concerns you may have prior to administering the treatment.
Who cannot or should not receive Botox?
Pregnant and breastfeeding women; people taking anti-coagulant medication, including herbal medicines (please do not stop any medication before discussing it with your GP or with the specialist prescribing that medicine); infection at the injection site; people with allergies to egg albumin or known allergy to Botulinum Toxin; people who have suffered previous severe adverse reaction to the toxin and concomitant treatment with some aminoglycosides.
Will my wrinkles rebound when Botox wears off?
The wrinkles will return to the state they were before. They won't be any worse.
What should I do or not do following the treatment?
For the next four to six hours, do not rub or massage the area, avoid strenous exercise, avoid hot baths, showers or saunas, do not lie flat and avoid alcohol.
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Botox (Botulinum Toxin) injections before & afters