What is Chin Augmentation?
Non-surgical chin augmentation usually has two distinct purposes: to add definition to a small, weak jaw line through the use of dermal fillers or to feminise the appearance of the jaw line by
reducing a broad face through the use of Botox.
When talking about chin augmentation using dermal fillers, the aim is to give the patient a more clearly defined, stronger jaw line that will improve their appearance and profile.
Dermal Filler treatments for Chin Augmentation
Dermal fillers provide a safe, non-surgical method of correcting the volume lost through facial ageing. They can be used to restore facial balance, create symmetry and improve the definition of
normal facial features, such as the chin and cheeks.
The new injection technique is very comfortable – the fillers are slowly injected into the targeted areas around your jaw line – and the recovery period is minimal. The results with dermal filler
treatments for chin augmentation are immediate (although it may take three to four weeks for the swelling from the procedure to fully settle) and will typically last nine to 12 months.
Surgical alternatives for chin augmentation include a chin implant, or bone, tissue or fat grafting. However, chin implants can be problematic because of the risk of infection or movement.