What are Stretch Marks?
Stretch marks are an extremely common problem. They are a form of scarring on the skin that occurs with disruption of the underlying dermis.
Initially stretch marks assume a reddish-purple hue that fades to a pale scar as it matures. Many stretch marks fade significantly, but very rarely disappear spontaneously.
Stretch marks are often the result of rapid stretching of the skin associated with sudden growth during pregnancy and weight gain. Their appearance is also dependent on hormonal changes and certain drugs, such as the chronic use of steroids, may make an individual more prone to developing these blemishes.
Stretch marks can occur on almost any part of the body but are most commonly found on the abdomen, breasts, flanks and upper thighs.
Genuine Dermaroller for the treatment of Stretch Marks
Many individuals find stretch marks unsightly and would like to have something done to improve their appearance.
The Genuine Dermaroller offers an effective solution to this problem. This 30-minute treatment employs the use of micro-medical skin needling to create columns that are approximately 0.1mm in width to penetrate the skin dermis and thus allow the body to regenerate naturally and repair the skin, working in the dermis, thereby tackling the problem at its roots.
Skin needling is a safe and precise procedure that does not require the removal of healthy epidermis which means that it offers a rapid healing time and does not cause any comparable pain. The procedure produces collagen layers on a scale similar to laser therapies.
Before After 4 Dermaroller procedures
Before After 1 Dermaroller procedure
Stretch Marks treatment FAQs
How many stretch mark areas can be treated at one time?
Bearing in mind that one area is roughly the size of an average face, it would depend on tolerance of the procedure. We generally recommend up to three areas per treatment session.
Can stretch marks be treated anywhere on the body?
Yes, the dermaroller treatment can be applied anywhere on the body.
Can we treat fresh stretch marks?
The Dermaroller treatment is only indicated for mature pale stretch marks. It is wise to wait (typically 12-18 months) for stretch marks or any other scars to mature prior to undertaking any treatment.