What are Smokers' Lines?
Smokers’ lines are sometimes also referred to as the barcode and occur as we grow older and the lip naturally starts to lose its volume. Smokers’ lines are often first noticed when lipstick starts to ‘bleed’ out of the vermilion border (the generally sharp demarcation between the lip and your adjacent normal skin) into the vertical fine lines around the mouth. More common and more pronounced in smokers, these lines can be filled with dermal fillers or treated with Botox.
Dermal Fillers treatments for Smokers' Lines
Dermal fillers offer the most effective non-surgical method for treating smokers’ lines and it usually only requires a very small volume of the product injected into precise locations along the
vermilion border (lip line) to correct the appearance of smokers’ lines.
Non-permanent dermal fillers present a non-invasive and cost effective means of treatment. Most importantly, they have a proven safety record. The results that can be achieved using dermal fillers
for treating smokers’ lines are stunning and natural looking.
At Bellissima, we also offer Botox injections for the treatment of smokers’ lines. This can be very effective. Patients should be aware that Botox treatment in this area can cause the occasional side
effects of being unable to purse the lips, therefore causing weakness in drinking out of a straw or in pronouncing the letters P and B.