How can Obagi Skin Care help me?
The Obagi Skin Care range can be used to great effect to rejuvenate your skin, particularly on the face and neck. They can transform problems such as dull, lifeless skin; hyperpigmentation; fine lines; scarring and some types of acne.
The treatment kit works by exfoliating the skin in order to remove any dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of the healthy young cells underneath. It can promote collagen regeneration, encouraging it to come to the surface of the skin in order to greatly improve its appearance.
Patients often choose to use the Obagi Skin Care range in addition to treatments using Botox and dermal fillers because they feel that it is not enough to just remove the wrinkles and improve the shape and contour of the face, but that they also wish to improve the condition of the skin itself.
The benefits of Obagi Skin Care treatments
The Obagi Skin Peels give amazing results because of a transformation at a deeper cellular level of the skin. The Obagi Skin Care system will rejuvenate and de-pigment any type of skin safely, which means that it is even effective for darker skin types. By using the Obagi Nu-Derm skin products at home for at least six weeks, followed by the Obagi Blue Peel, you can expect to see the following results: a more even skin tone; diminished fine facial lines and wrinkles; the reduction of age spots and hyperpigmentation; improvement in elasticity; normal oil production and skin that is more able to hold moisture; blemish correction; improvement in active acne and the correction of acne scars. Your skin should also have a better defence against external factors. Chemical skin peels, such as the Obagi Skin Care range, work at a much deeper level than cosmeceutical products brought over the counter at your local pharmacy. Over-the-counter products usually only work on the top layer of dead skin, masking the damaged skin without addressing its causes. Professional skin care products, such as those used by the Bellissima clinic, transform the health of your skin at a much deeper level.
Types of Obagi Skin Care treatments
The Obagi Blue Peel can significantly enhance the health and appearance of your skin, making you look rejuvenated and giving your complexion a healthy glow. The peel is applied by one of our qualified doctors based on the level of skin damage. You will need to use the Obagi Nu-Derm skin products you are given prior to your treatment as these are an essential part of the Obagi skin care system. When used together, the products complement each other to balance the pH level of your skin, so that the active ingredients in the chemical peel can do their job and penetrate the area of skin needing treatment.
What is a skin peel?
Skin peels use chemical exfoliants such as glycolic, salicylic and trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to remove damaged skin and encourage the growth of healthy cells. The Obagi Skin Peels are viewed as the elite in chemical skin peels because they use active prescription strength ingredients, hydroquinone and tretinoin, along with a unique patented deep penetrating system, which transforms the skin at a deeper cellular level. The active ingredient of the Obagi Blue Skin Peel is trichloroacetic acid, which is mixed with the patented blue base from Obagi.
How safe is it?
Skin peels are considered very safe procedures. In some cases, your skin may appear darker, feel tight or swollen for a short period of time and you should carefully follow any aftercare directions you are given by your doctor. You will be advised to avoid sun exposure for some time after your treatment. In rare cases, there are complications with a chemical peel; these include infection, changes to skin colour and pigmentation, and scarring.
How does it work?
A chemical solution is applied to the skin to speed up the removal of old, damaged skin cells and to promote the growth of new, healthy cells underneath. The solution can be applied to a targeted area or all over the face, neck, arms or hands.
What does the treatment involve?
During your initial consultation, we will carry out a full analysis of the area you want treated, discussing your hopes for the outcome and your individual treatment plan in detail. You will need to use specified homecare products for at least six weeks before you can have the Obagi Blue Skin Peel. These products prepare your skin for the procedure to ensure the best results. If you have a more severe problem with your skin, you may be asked to use these products for twelve to eighteen weeks prior to your treatment. Your doctor will explain your treatment plan in detail but please feel free to ask questions at your consultation. As outlined above, a chemical solution will be applied to your skin in the form of a clay mask, liquid or lotion. The Obagi Blue Skin Peel procedure will usually take half an hour. Within two to three days, the outer layers of your skin will start to peel. This usually continues for five to ten days, after which time you should see a visible improvement in your complexion. This improvement will continue over the next few weeks as the healthy skin cells grow and new collagen is produced.
How painful is the procedure?
You may experience a slight stinging or burning sensation during the application of the chemical solution but this usually passes within a few minutes. The sensation is tolerable and doesn't require sedation. With the Obagi Blue Skin Peel, your skin may have a bluish tint on the treated area but this will generally wash off within 24 hours. You may also find that your skin feels tight up to 24 hours after the procedure – the amount of tightness, swelling or redness will usually depend on the depth and strength of the peel.
How many treatments will you need?
Chemical peels offer temporary results and we usually offer an initial series of six treatments carried out at two to three week intervals. You will then be invited to follow a maintenance programme with a treatment every six to eight weeks – this will keep your pores unclogged, control the breakout of acne or spots, and continue to improve the texture and appearance of your skin.
Are the results permanent?
As the skin is the largest organ in the human body, it is in a constant process of renewal (following a 35-day cycle). As skin cells mature, they rise to the surface and remain there as dead cells. Therefore, if you stop using the Obagi products, the healthy renewal process will eventually stop and your skin will revert to its pre-treatment condition – this is usually evident within a few weeks of ceasing the treatment.
Post treatment care
You should completely avoid sun exposure for at least 48 hours after your skin peel and should use a high SPF afterwards to maintain the health of your skin and ensure the optimum results. You can return to work or your normal activities straight away.